July 05, 2021
05 July 2021 - 10:00 to 13:00

In the ongoing work to build the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), several thematic EOSC projects have already begun operating their catalogues. Additionally, since the second half of 2019, some regional EOSC projects have now begun compiling their own national catalogues to link nationally-available services and resources to the EOSC Portal Catalogue. Interoperability between catalogues and the Catalogue requires collaboration with the EOSC Enhance and EOSC Future projects.

To this end, this workshop aims to bring all the key projects with national or thematic catalogues together with the operators and developers of the EOSC Portal with the aim of converging all parallel discussions currently ongoing and produce a definitive roadmap of key milestones to ensure that services or resources onboarded in national or thematic catalogues are smoothly included into the EOSC Catalogue and vice versa

Please find below the playlist including the full recording of all sessions, divided into four consecutive videos. You can also access them directly via the EOSC-Pillar YouTube channel.


Any initiative with a plan for or a currently operational catalogue of non-commercial services and resources aimed for interoperability with EOSC.

High level goals

  • Alignment of activities on catalogue interoperability across different players: national, regional, thematic catalogue operators (projects), and EOSC Future and EOSC Enhance
  • Common understanding to achieve the alignment of the technical and organisational aspects of the catalogues

Who should attend

  • Projects or initiatives that have catalogues of non-commercial services and resources for integration to EOSC
  • International research actors that would like to observe the developments in EOSC
  • Those interested in the EOSC-Core and EOSC Exchange topics
  • Open science initiatives





Welcome and Housekeeping

Rob Carrillo (EOSC-Pillar)

5 mins.

Setting the Scene

  • Agreements & Policies for Catalogues - Owen Appleton (EOSC Future)
  • EOSC Portal Technical aspects - Athanasia Spiliotopoulou & George Papastefanatos (EOSC Enhance)
  • 4 Regional projects - lightning talks 
    • EOSC Nordic: Ahti Saar
    • EOSC-Pillar: Luciano Gaido
    • EOSC Synergy: Mario David
    • NI4OS-Europe: Dusan Vudragovic

45 mins.

(10 mins)

Discussion Workshop: Milestones and Timeline


This session aims to come up with a mutually-agreed timeline of milestones for both EOSC Portal operators and regional projects aiming towards the ability of the EOSC Portal to integrate national catalogues

  • Breakout sessions:

    • Policy
    • Technical

Policy Breakout
Facilitator: Federica Tanlongo (GARR)

  • EOSC Nordic: Ilja Livenson
  • EOSC-Pillar: Luciano Gaido, Marco Verlato
  • EOSC Synergy: Roksana Wilk
  • NI4OS-Europe: Dusan Vudragovic, Anastas Mishev, Kostas Koumantaros

Technical Breakout
Facilitator: Claudio Pisa (GARR)

  • EOSC Nordic: Ahti Saar
  • EOSC-Pillar: Leonardo Candela
  • EOSC Synergy: Mario David
  • NI4OS-Europe: Konstantinos Evangelou
  • EOSC Enhance: Athanasia Spiliotopoulou

All participants invited for discussion

1.5 hour

Conclusion & Presentation of the Timeline

Federica Tanlongo & Claudio Pisa

10 mins. 

Learn more about the EOSC-Pillar Work Package "From national initiatives to transnational services"

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