Cloud computing and storage services, data handling and data analysis services as well as federating services are vital to an EOSC infrastructure.
Several interoperability challenges and non-technical barriers have to be overcome to provide seamless access to distributed cloud computing resources, data storage, repository solutions and to enable mobility of modeling and data analysis codes between infrastructures.
Common policies have to be established, at the regional, national, and European levels and a lightweight management of the horizontal service layer has to be put into place.
The services existing at national and regional level should be connected with the EOSC ecosystem: this means, on one hand, to understand which EOSC services may be beneficial for the national communities and, on the other hand, to allow for scaling at European level by interconnecting the national/regional services with those in EOSC.
The key activity consists therefore in supporting the integration followed by validation and finally providing instances of the federating or enabling services in a production-ready environment. These services may be shared among different national infrastructures involved in EOSC-Pillar. The produced solutions provide support for a wide range of communities and include services that will be part of the EOSC infrastructure layer and will be proposed as candidate services for the inclusion into the EOSC.
The main objectives of this work package are to: