To achieve its purpose and to gain a comprehensive picture of the European scientific infrastructure landscape, the WP3 team involved about 2,000 institutions across the five EU Member States.
To discover and assess gaps, initiate necessary developments, start specific support measures and create opportunities, the survey data available will be the key factor for open research data and services. It also provided critical insights for the activities of EOSC-Pillar’s Work Package 4: "From National Initiatives ot Transnational Services".
The leader of the National Initiatives Survey Work Package, Lisa Hönegger from Vienna University, said:
“Our aim is to collect comprehensive data from multiple European countries to allow for evidence-based decision-making in shaping the future of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). There is a need to create a solid database and a comprehensive picture of the status quo of the research infrastructure landscape. By creating this picture, we deliver the basis for steering policies which support developing the European infrastructure landscape for open research data.”
The full edition for scientific use of the questionnaire and methodology is freely available on the AUSSDA Public Dataverse. Please visit our blog to learn more.
EOSC-Pillar launched its survey activities: all target groups received general questions on the European Open Science Cloud, their contributions, benefits, expectations, as well as an overall view on EOSC. Additionally, separate, and more specific surveys with questions tailored to each target group were designed to assess the maturity level of open research data initiatives and services with relevance to EOSC individually.
To allow institutions and researchers to better understand the aim of these surveys and help them to answer properly, EOSC-Pillar’s team has organised 3 webinars in the first languages in France, Italy, and Germany. You can watch these webinars here.
Webinar on the National Initiatives Survey results on the 3rd of April. Visit the webinar page to watch the recording and download the slides from the presentation.
Full report of the National Initiatives Survey
The datasets of the National Initiatives Survey were published on AUSSDA: https://doi.org/10.11587/VOSVGK
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