November 08, 2021


EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing resources recently completed D7.1, a key deliverable describing the activities performed within task 7.1 to collect information about needs for support to integrate services, either from the many project use cases and services or from other actors, i.e. the partners involved in the project as well as the national or thematic infrastructures in the EOSC-Pillar countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy).

The collection of this information has been conducted in various ways: through a direct interaction with Work Package 6 on use cases, through the WP3 survey on national initiatives and via a set of interviews with representatives of national infrastructures in participating countries.

This document reports all the findings, in terms of need for support to integrate services or to onboard them into the EOSC Marketplace but it also contains the guidelines and procedures released in milestones MS31 (Integration and Federation Guidelines) and MS32 (Procedures to Include National Services in EOSC).

In addition, the deliverable describes the steps national or thematic catalogue operators should follow to make it interoperable with EOSC.

The goal of this document is two-fold:

  • provide technical guidance and recommendations to support the integration of services with the so-called EOSC core services,
  • support the onboarding of services and resources into an EOSC catalogue, which is the primary tool to connect demand (researchers) and supply (resource providers) side.

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