October 27, 2020
27 October 2020 - 14:00 to 15:30

Consequences and interdependencies of national and institutional policies

Policies can contribute to fostering principles of open science and open data. In this webinar, representatives from funding bodies and universities as well as EOSC stakeholders discuss the role and consequences of policies on a national and institutional level, and how they interact. Further discussion points will be e.g. the consequences of open access policies and to what extent policies can be regarded as an indicator for sustainability.

To create a base for the discussion, two input presentations will give an overview on existing policies on a national as well as on an institutional level to assess the status quo of policies of stakeholders such as funders, national government and universities. Lisa Hönegger from EOSC-Pillar sketched the results of the “National Initiatives” Survey, while Joy Davidson and Vanessa Proudman from FAIRsFAIR presented an overview of existing national policies, position papers, strategies and statements of OS in relevant documents.

Who should attend

  • National policymakers
  • Institutional policymakers/ implementers (funding bodies, universities)
  • Representatives of research infrastructures
  • Everyone interested in sustainability and landscape related to EOSC
  • Everyone interested in or affected by policies

Key takeaways

  • Results on policies from the EOSC-Pillar National Initiatives Survey
  • Why are open science policies important? What are their effects? 
  • How are the national and institutional policies connected?
  • What are incentives or rewards for complying with policies?
  • To what extent can policies be an indicator for sustainability or EOSC-readiness?





Rob Carrillo (Trust-IT Services), Federica Tanlongo (GARR)


Results of the National Initiatives Survey concerning institutional policies - EOSC-Pillar
Lisa Hönegger (UNIVIE) - Download presentation


Overview of National Policies and Strategies - Results from SPARC Europe and FAIRsFAIR
Joy Davidson (DCC), Vanessa Proudman (SPARC Europe) - Download presentation


Guided Discussion: Introduction of the discussants
Federica Tanlongo (GARR, EOSC-Pillar)
Jan Hrušák (Chair of EOSC Landscape Working Group)
Joy Davidson (DCC)
Sverker Holmgren (The Guild)
Vanessa Proudman (SPARC Europe)
Marie Timmermann (Science Europe)
Matthias Fingerhuth (FDM NRW)


Guided Discussion & Audience Discussion


Conclusion, Evaluation

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